Garlic Spicy Shrimp

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Garlic Spicy Shrimp


Saturday, December 14, 2013 – This week’s episode of cooking class was about seafood. So I pulled the garlic spicy shrimp recipe from the packet and made that for dinner.


The key players are garlic and Sriracha sauce. The Sriracha sauce I’ve eaten before, but I’ve never had in my kitchen. (It’s also spicier than I remember.) Oh, and the shrimp.

Now, I used already peeled, de-veined, and thawed shrimp (which was apparently partially cooked during processing) from Uwajimaya, because I was lazy. But if I were to do this for real, I’d get frozen whole shrimp and thaw and peel and de-vein them myself.

Also, Uwajimaya has good produce, apparently.

Also, the recipe told me to saute the garlic on “high heat”. Without thinking about it, I set my stove to 8. Now, 8 is the setting I use for searing meat or boiling water. Even when I’m stir-frying, I don’t go higher than 6. So the garlic was incinerated within seconds. Oops. Apparently, my frying pan has quite the power output.

The shrimp still came out all right though. Could have used more Sriracha.
