Beyond Pro-Choice: Why I’m Pro-Abortion

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Beyond Pro-Choice: Why I’m Pro-Abortion

I know this post will be controversial for a few of my friends. But I figure it’s time to reveal why I’m so staunchly pro-abortion.

I’m a strong believer in a woman’s right to abortion. That’s no secret. But I’ll confess, it wasn’t always this way. When I was young, I believed in the whole “every life is precious” thing. Then, one day, everything changed.

When I was young, I believed abortion was wrong, akin to murder. Then, one day, many years ago, someone I knew (who will remain anonymous to protect her identity) got an abortion, for no other reason than because it was inconvenient for her to pregnant. And I thought to myself, there’s no way I can be anything but okay with this. I realized it isn’t enough to say “it’s your choice”. I have to be okay with this. I have to be supportive.

I’ve personally heard a lot of so-called “pro-choice” people (steadfast liberal ones, at that) say things like “abortion is a terrible thing, but it’s not my place to say people can’t get one”. And it bothers me deeply. It’s not a statement of support. When you say things like that, you’re shaming somebody I know, stigmatizing her and her actions.

Let’s be clear here: Abortions aren’t terrible. Unwanted pregnancies are terrible. Abortion is simply a necessary solution to a terrible problem. Yes, preventing unwanted pregnancies is better. It’s cheaper and less invasive. But even the best preventative measures fail, and abortion needs to be an option. I honestly don’t understand why a lot of pro-choice people have a “contraception vs abortion” view. One’s preventative, one’s corrective, but they’re both trying to solve the same thing. It’s like how brushing and flossing are the best way to take care of your teeth, but sometimes cavities happen, and you have to go in for a drill-and-fill.

It’s easy to think abortions are terrible if it’s someone you don’t know. It’s much harder when it’s someone you do know. I would know. If you really supported a woman’s right to choose, you’d say “it’s your choice” without adding on “but I personally think abortions are terrible.” Go beyond pro-choice. Be pro-abortion.