2016 February

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Ingredient Challenge Dinner Party!


Saturday, February 27, 2016 – So when I first started doing ingredient challenges, the rule was that the people who issued the challenges had to eat whatever I cooked for them. (This was to prevent people from choosing the most ridiculous ingredients and make sure they picked things that people would actually eat.) That and, whatever I came up with, I wanted to share with my friends. So naturally, it’s dinner party time!

Today’s menu was


Jan/Feb 2016: Multitasking Practice


So as we all know, I make good-looking food, but I’m slow in the kitchen. One of my issues is I tend to serialize everything (laymen’s terms: I do everything one at a time). If I really want to work on my kitchen speed, I need to get comfortable multitasking things. And the biggest opportunity for improvement is to have more than 1 thing going on the stove at the same time.


About Introverts

(Disclaimer: This isn’t based on any medical diagnosis of introversion (if such a thing exists). Rather, this is based on a self-labeled introvert and his observations of other self-labeled introverts.)

A lot has been written about introverts. Most of it is wrong. Well-meaning, but wrong. Some of it is over-simplification. Some of it is missing a lot of important nuances. A lot of it is just wrong.

So I decided to write my own blog post about introverts, based on observations of myself and of other introverts.
