2016 May

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In Defense of Myers-Briggs

I’m a fan of Myers-Briggs. I think it’s a useful tool for describing people. But I’ve also met people who say that Myers-Briggs is nonsense and has been “debunked”. Which, of course, is somewhere between “slightly inaccurate” and “flat-out wrong”, depending on how you look at it. So let’s take a look at it.


Ingredient Challenge Dinner Party Two


Saturday, May 7, 2016 – I’ve already told you the story of the ingredient challenges, so I won’t go into that again. Today, I had my second dinner party with the dishes from the ingredient challenges.

Today’s menu was

And for dessert, blood orange sorbet. (This wasn’t an ingredient challenge, but it was thematic with the rest of the dinner.)




As a food-eater, I love eating meat, but as a food-cooker, meat is actually kinda boring. So I decided to try a not-boring meat dish. (Well, other than that other one.) And I figured meatloaf was the meatiest non-boring dish I could think of. So I made that.
