Writeup: London Broil (grilled steak)

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Writeup: London Broil (grilled steak)


October 5-6, 2013 – This week’s cooking class was about grilling, so I decided to grill some meat this weekend. We did a London broil in class, so I also did a London broil at home. Except we grilled it. So I guess it’s a London grill. And except we’re in Seattle, so I guess that makes it a Seattle grill. Which I’m pretty sure is also the name of a restaurant.

Dunno if you noticed, but my photos are a lot brighter now. Did I change something with the way I took photos? Well, I could have. But no, I just installed better lights in my kitchen. It was kind of dark anyway.

In any case, here’s the traditional cast photo:


Not pictured: the butter and cheap wine I used to finish the sauce.

It starts with a marinade. Which had a boatload of rosemary leaves. Not sure if I used too many or not.


Also, my new toy. My first ever cast iron pan. Because nothing grills meat like cast iron.


In any case, the recipe is actually fairly simple. I remove the meat from the marinade, pat it dry, grill the meat, and start reducing what’s left of the marinade to make a sauce.


I’m not happy with the browning on the meat. It’s either too much acid in the marinade, the pan is too hot, or most likely the pan isn’t hot enough. I do like the awesome grill marks though.


Also, the sauce, after adding some wine and thickening with butter. (It’s nice and thick, but it was made from the marinade, not from meat drippings, so it’s not quite a gravy.)


And that’s the story of how I made a London broil. Or a Seattle grill. Or whatever you call it.
