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Why I’m Voting No on Initiative 522

(aka, labeling of genetically engineered foods)

I believe in science. I believe it’s not just our right, but our duty to use our scientific knowledge to improve our lives. And that includes our food.

There’s nothing inherently dangerous about genetically engineered foods. It’s just DNA, and it’s everywhere. Sure, mistakes will be made. But that’s true even of non-genetically engineered foods. Off the top of my head, we used to think margarine was good, but then we discovered trans fats. Artificial sweeters have been controversial for decades. And even though it’s not a food, certain non-stick cookware were later found to be toxic.

Mistakes will be made with or without genetic engineering. What people really want is a label on anything and everything we used science on. But that’s literally fear of science.

People in the labeling camp say it’s about having the “right to know” so that people can “make an informed decision”. But that argument is entirely disingenuous. Why is genetic engineering so much scarier than pesticides? One is just DNA. The other is literally poison applied to our foods.

Besides, people already have more than enough information to make an informed decision. I can already walk into a supermarket and pick out non-genetically engineered foods. Companies are starting to label their foods as non-genetically engineered. USDA Certified Organic already excludes genetic engineering. And organizations like the Non-GMO Project exist and independently certify non-genetically engineered foods.

I’ll admit, there are plenty of nuanced viewpoints on both sides. There’s an argument that goes “genetically engineered foods are safe and labels are useless, but we’ll label them anyway as a show of good faith”. And I can accept that argument. But the “debate” on Initiative 522 has turned into a shouting match between “fear of DNA” and “evil corporations”. And if I have to pick a side, I’m voting no on 522. For science.

Writeup: London Broil (grilled steak)


October 5-6, 2013 – This week’s cooking class was about grilling, so I decided to grill some meat this weekend. We did a London broil in class, so I also did a London broil at home. Except we grilled it. So I guess it’s a London grill. And except we’re in Seattle, so I guess that makes it a Seattle grill. Which I’m pretty sure is also the name of a restaurant.


Disgaea 4 Journal

Editor’s Note: So I found my old Disgaea 4 journal notes, just in time for Disgaea D2 to come out next week. So I figured I’d post them up to break up the monotony and let you know what I thought of Disgaea 4 while I played it.

There are lots of spoilers after the cut, so don’t click unless you’re ready.


My Top 10 Best Futurama Episodes

Now that Futurama is over (again), I’m compiling a list of my top 10 episodes.

10. Calculon 2.0
9. The Six Million Dollar Mon
8. Meanwhile
7. Bender’s Big Score
6. Game of Tones
5. Jurassic Bark
4. The Sting
3. The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings
2. Godfellas
1. Luck of the Fryrish

A few things worth noting. I rated Jurassic Bark awfully low. It’s only the 5th best Futurama episode. I know Jurassic Bark makes number one on a lot of lists, but I’ve always said Luck of the Fryrish, Godfellas, and Devil’s Hands were my favorite episodes (to the point that if any of these episodes came on the air, I would drop whatever I was doing and watch them). And The Sting is just awesome. And Jurassic Bark comes in just after those.

The other thing to note is the distinct lack of The Late Philip J. Fry, which commonly shows up as people’s favorite new Futurama episode. But most people haven’t seen Calculon 2.0, Game of Tones, or Meanwhile.

The last thing to note is that the 4 new Futurama episodes on my list are all from season 7. To be honest, I don’t remember much of season 6. Probably because it hasn’t shown up in reruns very often. (Which reminds me, we need more reruns.)

So now that Futurama is over, what am I going to do? Well, I think Joe TV and Comedy Central each show reruns once a week. Plus, I’m finally going to collect all the Futurama DVDs and Blu Rays, so I can watch random episodes whenever I went. Because Futurama is awesome.

So now that you’ve seen my list, let me know what you’re favorite Futuramas are.

Also ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD. *clap clap clap clap*