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In Defense of Myers-Briggs

I’m a fan of Myers-Briggs. I think it’s a useful tool for describing people. But I’ve also met people who say that Myers-Briggs is nonsense and has been “debunked”. Which, of course, is somewhere between “slightly inaccurate” and “flat-out wrong”, depending on how you look at it. So let’s take a look at it.


About Introverts

(Disclaimer: This isn’t based on any medical diagnosis of introversion (if such a thing exists). Rather, this is based on a self-labeled introvert and his observations of other self-labeled introverts.)

A lot has been written about introverts. Most of it is wrong. Well-meaning, but wrong. Some of it is over-simplification. Some of it is missing a lot of important nuances. A lot of it is just wrong.

So I decided to write my own blog post about introverts, based on observations of myself and of other introverts.


An Alternative to Minimum Wage

Just to be perfectly clear, I believe everyone deserves to have the means to live a comfortable life. I just don’t believe minimum wage accomplishes that goal. I’ve argued that minimum wage is somewhere between ineffective and counter-productive at solving wealth inequality. But instead of focusing on the problems, I want to focus on the solutions.


Beyond Pro-Choice: Why I’m Pro-Abortion

I know this post will be controversial for a few of my friends. But I figure it’s time to reveal why I’m so staunchly pro-abortion.

I’m a strong believer in a woman’s right to abortion. That’s no secret. But I’ll confess, it wasn’t always this way. When I was young, I believed in the whole “every life is precious” thing. Then, one day, everything changed.
