So I have about 3 years’ worth of Bon Appetit magazine. As the story goes, one day, these magazines started showing up in my mailbox. I didn’t know where they came from or why I was suddenly subscribed (and I still don’t). At the end of the first year, I got an offer to renew 3 years for something like $30, less than a dollar per issue. So I figured why not? So now I have 3 years’ worth of Bon Appetit magazine, and they’re still coming.
They’ve been sitting on my shelf, untouched all these years. Somehow, I just never got around to reading any of them. Most of them, I never even bothered taking them out of their plastic shipping wrappers. It’s not that they’re bad magazines. (I mean, they pale in comparison with Cook’s Illustrated, but they’re not bad.) I just had other fish to fry.
Until now. I decided to make my cooking project for this month (September and the start of October, actually) to actually cook something from Bon Appetit magazine. So I used a random number generator, randomly picked the September 2014 issue, and decided to cook as many dishes from the magazine as I could.