New Years Resolutions

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New Years Retrospective and Resolutions 2015

This will be my 5th year doing these. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I like New Years Resolutions. Mostly because I don’t cheese out and say things like “I resolve to go to the gym more”. Rather, the approach I take is “here’s what I hope to accomplish this year”, and set out to accomplish them. And let’s be real here, by the time I actually post my New Years Resolutions, I will have already been thinking about them for a few months.

For a historical perspective, check out last year’s resolutions (with links to my old resolutions on Facebook).


New Years Retrospective and Resolutions 2014

So I’ve been making New Years Resolutions since 2011. Every year, I make new resolutions, and every year, I keep doing more and more awesome things. (As in, I’m doing more things, and the things I’m doing are more awesome.) And every year, I promise to do even more awesome things the next year, and those promises are what drive my New Years Resolutions.
