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November/December 2016: Misc Cooking Adventures


(Pictured: Migas Fried Rice, Tofu with Mint and Sauteed Bean Sprouts. See Bon Appetit Dinner Party below.)

My cooking was all over the place. (In a good way.) There is no coherent theme to today’s blog post. It’s just a bunch of stuff that happened over the last few months of 2016.

Some of the cooking adventures were on-going over the course of a few weeks. In some cases, I would start a cooking project, and then loop back on it a month and a half later. (More on that later.) So today’s blog post is organized by dish, not by event.

Also, the title says November, but our story starts as late as late October. More after the cut!


September/October 2016: Bon Appetit Month


So I have about 3 years’ worth of Bon Appetit magazine. As the story goes, one day, these magazines started showing up in my mailbox. I didn’t know where they came from or why I was suddenly subscribed (and I still don’t). At the end of the first year, I got an offer to renew 3 years for something like $30, less than a dollar per issue. So I figured why not? So now I have 3 years’ worth of Bon Appetit magazine, and they’re still coming.

They’ve been sitting on my shelf, untouched all these years. Somehow, I just never got around to reading any of them. Most of them, I never even bothered taking them out of their plastic shipping wrappers. It’s not that they’re bad magazines. (I mean, they pale in comparison with Cook’s Illustrated, but they’re not bad.) I just had other fish to fry.

Until now. I decided to make my cooking project for this month (September and the start of October, actually) to actually cook something from Bon Appetit magazine. So I used a random number generator, randomly picked the September 2014 issue, and decided to cook as many dishes from the magazine as I could.
